Jan 9, 2020

Installing the PDF Postman Email Encryption Add-in for Microsoft Outlook

PDF Postman is an easy-to-use add-on for Microsoft Outlook 2019/365/2016/2013/2010 that lets you securely send messages and documents to anyone. It supports both the 64 bit and 32 bit versions of Outlook.

You'll know that PDF Postman has been installed when you see the extra buttons it places on the Outlook "New Message" toolbar.

Outlook toolbar buttons for PDF Postman add-in. Options shown are "PDF Encrypt Email," "PDF Encrypt Files,' and "PDF Files." Other options include Settings, Help and About.
PDF Postman toolbar

How to Install PDF Postman

PDF Postman is Windows software, and so requires that your device be running Windows 8/7/Vista/XP.   Apple versions of MS Outlook are not supported at this time.

First, download the PDF Postman software. It comes as a compressed zip file.   If you click on the zip file, you'll see the executable file.

PDF Postman installer files are shown in a Windows directory.
PDF Postman Setup
If you require a .MSI installer for enterprise installation, please contact the support team, and they'll be happy to provide it for you.

Be sure that Microsoft Outlook is closed before installing PDF Postman. Note that if you do install the software while Outlook is running, the toolbar will not be immediately present in Outlook. In that case, you'll just need to close Outlook and restart it, so that PDF Postman can be loaded.

Next, double click the PDFPostman.Setup.exe file to begin the installation process.  The installer Wizard will prompt you through the installation process. For most people, the recommended default settings will be just fine, so unless you have a specific reason, there will likely be no need to change any of the recommended settings.

Image shows Wizard displaying the message "Welcome to the DPF Postman Setup Wizard."
PDF Postman Setup Wizard

The End-Use License Agreement sets forth the terms of usage of PDF Postman. It's straight forward and inline with most EULA's, but we recommend that you read it. Click "I accept the terms," if you agree with the EULA and then "Next" to continue the installation.

PDF Postman Eula acceptance form.
PDF Postman EULA

The next screen will ask you to select an folder on your computer or device where PDF Postman should install itself. Unless you have a specific reason to install PDF Postman in a different location, we recommend that you simply click "Next" and not change the default directory.

Choose a folder to install PDF Postman
Choose the folder to install PDF Postman

If you have already purchased a license code, you can check the "Activate product" box and type in your activation code.   You can also choose whether or not you would like to automatically check for PDF Postman software updates.

"Enable manual bug reporting" allows you to send a message to Encryptomatic LLC if there are any bugs to report.  A message is never sent to our support staff without your approval, and we do not collect background information on your usage.  When PDF Postman sends a report, it may include information such as your computer name, and a stack trace that will help our engineers understand the circumstances that lead to the problem. We truly appreciate it when customers send us these reports, as it helps us improve the software for everyone.

Image shows the installer  wizard presenting several options, including "Activate product after installation."
Installation Options
You are now ready to install PDF Postman. Click "Install" to start the process.

Installer displays the message, "Ready to Install."
Ready to Install

During the installation process, PDF Postman will register itself with Windows and Microsoft Outlook, and copy the files it requires to it's home folder.

Image of installer displaying the message, "Installing PDF Postman."
Installing PDF Postman
 When PDF Postman has completed the installation, you'll see the below screen. Just click "Finish" to exit the installer.
Image shows the wizard displaying the message, "Completing the PDF Postman setup wizard."
Completing the PDF Postman setup wizard.

Now it's time to restart Microsoft Outlook and send your first PDF Postman message!  Open a new email message in Outlook and you'll see the PDF Postman toolbar.

Image shows the PDF Postman toolbar
PDF Postman toolbar

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